GTC 2019: Speaker: Steven Frankel Title: TBA Abstract: TBA Read more about GTC 2019: Speaker: Steven Frankel
GTC 2019: Speaker: Cameron Gordon Title: ADE links and cyclic branched covers Abstract: The Dynkin diagrams of types A,D and E arise in many classification problems in mathematics. We conjecture a modest addition to this list: the fibered links that induce the standard tight contact structure on S3 and have some cyclic branched cover an L-space. We will discuss progress towards a proof of this conjecture. This is joint work with Michel Boileau and Steve Boyer. Read more about GTC 2019: Speaker: Cameron Gordon
GTC 2019: Speaker: Steve Boyer Title : Cyclic branched covers and the L-space conjecture Abstract : We survey what is known about the L-space conjecture for manifolds obtained as cyclic branched covers of links in the 3-sphere and report, in particular, on joint work with Michel Boileau and Cameron Gordon and with Ying Hu. Read more about GTC 2019: Speaker: Steve Boyer
GTC 2019: Speaker: Ying Hu Title: Euler class and taut foliations on surgered 3-manifolds Abstract. This talk is motivated by the conjecture: the fundamental group of a QHS is left-orderable if and only if it admits a co-orientable taut foliation. It is known that if the Euler class of the taut foliation vanishes, then the fundamental group is left-orderable. In this talk, we will investigate the Euler class of co-orientable taut foliations on 3- manifolds which are obtained by Dehn surgery along a null-homologous knot. Read more about GTC 2019: Speaker: Ying Hu
GTC 2019: Speaker: Maggy Tomova Title: Distortion and the Bridge Distance of Knots Read more about GTC 2019: Speaker: Maggy Tomova
GTC 2019: Speaker Michael Landry Title: Homology directions and veering triangulations Abstract: The cone over a fibered face of a hyperbolic 3-manifold has a nice characterization as the dual of the so-called cone of homology directions of a certain pseudo-Anosov flow. We give a new characterization of this cone of homology directions in terms of Agols veering triangulations. Read more about GTC 2019: Speaker Michael Landry
GTC 2019: Speaker: Liam Wilson Title: Invariants of tangles from the Fukaya category of the 4-punctured sphere Abstract: I will discuss a reinterpretation of Bar-Natans description of Khovanov homology in terms of immersed curves in the 4-punctured sphere. This point of view has some interesting algebraic consequences; the talk will focus on examples. This is joint work with Artem Kotelskiy and Claudius Zibrowius. Read more about GTC 2019: Speaker: Liam Wilson
GTC: 2019 : Speaker: Boyu Zhang Title: Taut foliations and Seiberg-Witten invariants Read more about GTC: 2019 : Speaker: Boyu Zhang
Geometry Seminar: Joseph Hoisington, Smith College and UGA Title of talk: The Total Curvature and Betti Numbers of Complex Projective Manifolds Abstract: We will prove an inequality between the total curvature of a complex projective manifold and the sum of its Betti numbers, and we will characterize the complex projective manifolds whose total curvature is minimal. These results extend the classical theorems of Chern and Lashof to complex projective space. As we prove these results, we will discuss several possible directions for future work. Read more about Geometry Seminar: Joseph Hoisington, Smith College and UGA
2019 UGA High School Math Tournament What, where, when Every year, UGA Department of Mathematics and Math Club hold an annual High School Varsity Math Tournament on the UGA campus, to foster the mathematical education in Georgia and neighboring states. The tournament consists of three challenging rounds: ciphering, written and team collaboration. 2019 Tournament The 2019 tournament will be held on Saturday, October 26, 2019. Read more about 2019 UGA High School Math Tournament