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Math 1113 Grading and Attendance Policy


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Grading Guidelines: 

Plese see your instructor's syllabus for a percentage breakdown on your assignments.  

Attendance Policy:
Please see your instructor's syllabus for the attendance policy for your section. Our time in class is one of the few times where you can get dedicated feedback and insight into the topics associated with this course.

Active Learning:

The best way to learn is to confront assumptions and to push the boundaries of our current understanding of difficult topics. Learning can be frustrating and seem counter-productive at times, but it is also the gateway to a better understanding of the world around us. Mathematics is not something to be memorized; it is a way to explore patterns and to communicate our understanding of those patterns. 

Time spent in class is a vital part of the way to push our boundaries. It will be difficult and will be frustrating, but the struggle has been shown to be the best way to learn and understand. It is easy to listen to a well thought and well constructed lecture, but that can mislead you into thinking you understand an idea. You cannot know your limits and understanding until you work on a problem and determine where you need help. Struggling and working through this in the classroom where you can share your thoughts and exchange ideas with classmates is a better way to improve and make progress. It will feel like the opposite is true. The struggle and frustration is part of the process, and we want to make sure you work through the process with help easily available rather than a time where you are alone or we cannot provide aide.

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