GTC 2019: Speaker: Sarah Rasmussen Title: TBA Abstract: TBA Read more about GTC 2019: Speaker: Sarah Rasmussen
GTC 2019 Speaker: Margaret Nichols Title: Taut sutured handlebodies as twisted homology products Abtract: We explore a method for certifying that a sutured manifold is taut, by showing that it is homologically simple - a so-called rational homology product. Most sutured manifolds do not have this form, but do always take the more general form of a twisted homology product, which incorporates a representation of the fundamental group. The question then becomes, how complicated of a representation is needed to realize a given sutured manifold as such? Read more about GTC 2019 Speaker: Margaret Nichols
GTC 2019: Speaker: Siddhi Krishna Title: Taut Foliations, Positive 3-Braids, and the L-Space Conjecture Read more about GTC 2019: Speaker: Siddhi Krishna
GTC 2019: Speaker: Tejas Kalelkar Title: Taut foliations of compact 3-manifolds with constrained boundary slopes Read more about GTC 2019: Speaker: Tejas Kalelkar
GTC 2019: Speaker: Charles Delman Title: Persistently foliar knots Read more about GTC 2019: Speaker: Charles Delman
GTC 2019: Speaker: Jennifer Schultens Title: Surface complexes of Seifert fibered spaces Read more about GTC 2019: Speaker: Jennifer Schultens
GTC 2019: Speaker: Tao Li Title: Genus 2 Heegaard splittings and Dehn surgery on tunnel number one knots Abstract: We generalize a theorem of Homma, Ochiai, and Takahashi, and discuss its relation with the Berge conjecture. Read more about GTC 2019: Speaker: Tao Li