Geometry Seminar: Galyna Livshitz, Georgia Tech Speaker: Galyna Livshitz, Georgia Tech Title: On the role of symmetry in isoperimetric-type inequalities Read more about Geometry Seminar: Galyna Livshitz, Georgia Tech
Graduate Student Seminar - Erik Schreyer, UGA Speaker: Erik Schreyer Title: Chains of Spheres and Excluded Volume Read more about Graduate Student Seminar - Erik Schreyer, UGA
Algebraic Geometry Seminar: D. Zureick-Brown (GA Tech) Speaker: D. Zureick-Brown, Georgia Tech Title: The canonical ring of a stacky curve Abstract: We give a generalization to stacks of the classical (1920's) theorem of Petri -- we give a presentation for the canonical ring of a stacky curve. This is motivated by the following application: we give an explicit presentation for the ring of modular forms for a Fuchsian group with cofinite area, which depends on the signature of the group. This is joint work with John Voight. Read more about Algebraic Geometry Seminar: D. Zureick-Brown (GA Tech)
Algebra Seminar Speaker: Chun-Ju Lai, UGA On q-Schur algebras of type B via coordinate coalgebras Read more about Algebra Seminar
Number Theory Seminar: Padmavathi Srinivasan (Georgia Tech) Title: Conductors and minimal discriminants of hyperelliptic curves: a comparison in the tame case Read more about Number Theory Seminar: Padmavathi Srinivasan (Georgia Tech)
Algebraic Geometry Seminar: B. Bakker Speaker: B. Bakker, UGA Title of talk: o-minimal GAGA and a conjecture of Griffiths Read more about Algebraic Geometry Seminar: B. Bakker