Algebra Seminar: William Cocke (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Title 2: Determining which groups have the same character table. Read more about Algebra Seminar: William Cocke (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Differential Forms SMARTS: Thomas Melistas Read more about Differential Forms SMARTS: Thomas Melistas
Number Theory Seminar: Brandon Hanson Title: Sumsets in the roots of unity Abstract: How large can the size of sets A and B be if their sum set is contained in the set of quadratic residues modulo p? We will discuss progress on this old problem and what it implies for a conjecture of Sarkozy, that the quadratic residues modulo any prime p can only be written as a sum set A+B if one of the two sets is a singleton. Read more about Number Theory Seminar: Brandon Hanson
Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Changho Han (UGA) Title: Moduli of 'almost K3' stable log surfaces, curves of genus 4, and degree 6 K3 surfaces with nonsymplectic Z/3Z group actions. Read more about Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Changho Han (UGA)
Graduate Student Seminar: Akram Alisahi Title: An introduction to Heegaard Floer homology Abstract: Heegaard Floer homology is a package of powerful invariants for 3-manifolds and knots and links inside them. In this talk I will sketch the definition of the invariant for closed, oriented 3-manifolds, and talk about a couple of interesting conjectures in the field. Read more about Graduate Student Seminar: Akram Alisahi