Saturday, October 21 2017, 8am Miller Learning Center 2017 Tournament The 2017 tournament will be held on Saturday, October 21, 2017. Each school may enter from one to three 4-student teams, who will compete in the usual written and ciphering rounds. (Fewer than four persons may compete as a team, with missing members being awarded scores of zero.) Individuals without a team can participate as well. The entry charge is $35.00 per each team (not per each school) or $15 for individuals participating without a team. (This includes the charge for a light lunch during the competition break.) For each chaperon over one per school, please add $5. Each school is limited to 3 teams or 12 students total — no exceptions. Please print and mail the following registration form along with payment to Julie McEver no later than September 30, 2017. Registration Form Format The ciphering round consists of 10 problems. 10 points are awarded for each correct answer given in two minutes. The written test consists of 25 multiple-choice problems of increasing difficulty, from relatively easy to very hard. 10 points are be awarded for each correct answer, 2 point for each question left unanswered, and 0 points for each incorrect answer. The final round is a team collaboration; a total of 210 points. No calculators are allowed in any of the rounds. The individual winners are determined on the basis of the first two rounds, and all three rounds count towards the team competition. We plan to follow the following schedule: 8:00-8:45 Registration 9:00-9:30 Ciphering 9:40-11:10 Written test 11:10-12:00 Light refreshments 12:00-1:00 Team round 1:30-2:00 Awards ceremony